Page name: The Red Siren [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-18 21:38:37
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Red Siren


The Red Siren is the fastest ship to sail the ocean around The Tepes Vampire Clan's seas and the other seas of the world. It is of a Galleon design only smaller so it has more speed. It has four decks on it. The hull is a deep red and its sails black. On the hull is a lady who appears to be singing thus granting the ship its name. The ship has two rowboats and can be maned by a total of six people. It can have up to 10 people aboard ship at one time. The Siren has 5 cannons on each side for a total of 10 on the sides and two tri cannons in front giving the Siren a total of 12 guns. The ship is captined by the dhampir Demetrius Alexzander Tepes.

This is the main deck where all the action happens. There is the helm whichj the captin uses to steer the ship useing the rudder. Here is also where all the masts a sails are. At the top of the main mast one can find the crows nest. By the main mast is a barrel filled with weapons. This is where the crew does its thing. There is a hatch that leads to other parts of the ship and under the helm one can find the captin's cabin.


Welcome aboard the Red Siren
Red Siren Roster


The Decks
Red Siren's Captin Cabin
Red Siren Forecastle Deck
Red Siren Artillery Deck
Red Siren Store/Brig Deck


Red Siren Clean up one

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2006-12-28 [Demetrius Duvalt]: say the great emporer walks aboard the ship and waits for Demetrius or something along those lines then I pop in and we go from there.

2006-12-28 [Emporer Sensi]: Ok then, works for me. But hold a while. I finishing cooking dinner.

2006-12-28 [Demetrius Duvalt]: ok I shall

2006-12-29 [Emporer Sensi]: The people here where summoned by me. So Demetrius, you know that this won't fall to shit.

2006-12-29 [Emporer Sensi]: How dare you make fun of my clothes. LMAO!

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: ok thats cool

2006-12-29 [Emporer Sensi]: Everyone is here. Let's begin the journey.

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: sounds good to me

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: alright lets set sail...wait Jewl

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: Oh... yeah... I sometimes hate the rule against powerplay-.- cause otherwise we could just say she was there and start.

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Everyone involved I need a character sheet. I don't need one from the following people though and that is Kendra and Sensi. So send me the character sheets please.

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yipee. You have mine. Sensi needs to come back -.-

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: SENSI WHERE ARE YOU!!!

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: Blah. Boredom.....

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: ok have Kendra do a post aout weapons or something along those lines.

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yeah ok. She doesn't have any. Except a dagger. Which is little more than a kitchen knife. Not that she has much skill with weapons... maybe some one could teach her.

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I could teach her how to use a blade if thats cool?

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yeah totally. Her parents wouldn't let her learn for fear she would hurt herself... yeah, they're overprotective...

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: its cool time to start teaching lol

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: once she gets a blade, of course.

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: well if you read the description of the Siren by the main mast there is a barrel filled with weapons

2006-12-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: we need a banner for this place and Valinor

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yeah... we do... banners are cool.

2006-12-30 [Demetrius Duvalt]: As I say everyday i'll do it tonight

2006-12-30 [Emporer Sensi]: *comes out from behind rock* I'm right here, Damn.

2006-12-30 [BlackDragon]: *waves*

2006-12-30 [Demetrius Duvalt]: oh cool your here

2006-12-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: YAY! you're back! And... gone again...

2006-12-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: Why does it seem like every time I get on Sensi leaves? o.0

2006-12-30 [Demetrius Duvalt]: damn still cant post on the psp

2006-12-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: what do you mean?

2006-12-30 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I cant post with it without deleting everything else.

2006-12-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: that's wierd... hmmm... Any idea why?

2006-12-30 [Demetrius Duvalt]: the program on the thing oh well...well time to post since I am back on the computer

2006-12-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: ok sounds good

2006-12-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: ^.^ I'm so terrible to my character sometimes... it's fun.

2006-12-30 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Its always fun to be mean to our characters. I gave Demetrius an evil twin and a corrupted older brother lol. Not to mention makeing him a king which he hates a lot. By the way everyone involved with Valinor Don't worry about whats happening there unless you are an admin and even then since nothing big is going to happen for a while.

2006-12-30 [Jewl]: Aww... so cute... well, I was gonna make Jewl the queen of the vampires... but thought that was WAY to cliche.

2006-12-30 [Emporer Sensi]: Sensi, HATES Sailing.

2006-12-30 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Now the question is why? lol

2006-12-31 [Lady_Elowyn]: oooh... really? This could be fun...

2006-12-31 [Jewl]: Niiiice... now Jewl has something to torment him with.

2006-12-31 [Demetrius Duvalt]: As Sensi hates sailing, Demetrius HATES hell.

2006-12-31 [Jewl]: As sensi hates sailing and demetrius hates hell, Jewl HATES... umm... something or other.

2006-12-31 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Ok all the characters onboard are now members of Valinor

2006-12-31 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I'll post as soon as i get back onto a regular computer.  Useing psp

2006-12-31 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Alright might post later or tomorrow

2006-12-31 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yeah and as Sensi hates sailing and Deme hates hell and Jewl hates something else, Kendra hates... being called a child. Sure, we'll go with that.

2006-12-31 [Emporer Sensi]: I'm lost already, Who is Zenith?

2006-12-31 [Mira Ravenheart]: Zenith is my character. ^_^

2006-12-31 [Mira Ravenheart]: O.o Heh.. sorry [Blood Raven] XD I only just realized how similar her name is to Cenith's. Completely accidental, and pretty embarrasing ><

2006-12-31 [Jewl]: Well, jewl can sort that one out. XD

2007-01-01 [Emporer Sensi]: Who invited you Faith?

2007-01-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: I dunno, but we can say I did, because I know from several other RPGs that Faith is an absolutely amazing RPer and I would be glad to have her aboard. Just for the record.

2007-01-01 [Mira Ravenheart]: [Demetrius Duvalt] invited me, [Emporer Sensi]. *smiles and hugs [Lady_Elowyn], blushing* Thank you! You're an amazing RPer too. I can't imagine how you keep up with all the RPs you participate in, but you pull it off. *admires*

2007-01-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: Eh. Most of them are dead by now. Way dead. Some day I might try to ressurect them... if I get the time. But thank you. I have to say, I believe I've improved a whole bunch since my first RP Age of Queens. Also among the dead ones...

2007-01-01 [Mira Ravenheart]: Your style has improved since I first started RPing with you ages ago ^_^

*grins* Wow.. I can't even remember what my first RP was called. Back when [Lexicon] introduced me to the whole idea. I was very "whoa... O.O Cool-ness!" Heh.. and I totally mangled the first RP I ran, may Tolkien forgive me O.<

2007-01-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: I didn't even dare run an RP until.. oh wait, I did. It was called Corinth Quest. It had no plot whatsoever. It flopped. I deleted it.

2007-01-01 [Mira Ravenheart]: Mine was this huge-scale (because I can't not do something huge-scale, can I? I think I'm just incapable.. XD) LotR base RP. It was.. pretty bad, near the end. But loads of fun anyway.

2007-01-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yeah. Like I said, mine flopped big time. I had maybe three members and they weren't loyal at all. And I didn't know really how to RP, let alone run one. I had no admin skills whatsoever. So I deleted it, and a few months later once I was much more prepared started Arianova which is still running.

2007-01-01 [Mira Ravenheart]: I actually had too many members O.O but sometimes I got too enthusiastic, and one member and I would post so much off to the side that everyone else got lost >< I also didn't do enough research on the LotR to keep everything consistant. *checks out Arianova curiously, loving the word 'Arianova'*

2007-01-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: lol yeah I don't think we got past 50 posts... if that... it was truly pathetic. But I absolutely love Arianova, am much better at running it, and hope it lasts forever. We're already on page 10... it's kinda scary. Have fun checking it out though

2007-01-01 [Mira Ravenheart]: It looks cool! Though I suggest creating some sort of index so that someone wanting to join in wouldn't have to go through all the pages to get to the most recent one. I really like the story, however. I wish I had the time to read it all. ^_^

2007-01-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: Hmmm.... that's a good idea. I think I will do that. Thank you!

2007-01-01 [Mira Ravenheart]: You're welcome ^_^

2007-01-01 [Jewl]: I'm waaay too far into my RPs... I've gotten into huge fights with people about them... just ask Sensi.

2007-01-01 [Mira Ravenheart]: I know how that goes. >< Someone who was 'interested' in me, but who I wasn't at all interested in, made a huge mess of my RP one time. -_-

2007-01-02 [Emporer Sensi]: Welcome aboard, Faith. I do trust Elowyn. So I shut my mouth and Wave in...

2007-01-02 [Emporer Sensi]: You're online aswell, Faith? I thin I should request the permission to join a Relation with you. Yes, no?

2007-01-02 [Mira Ravenheart]: You're more than welcome to start a new one ^_^ Perhaps it'll work better this time.

2007-01-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Sorry guys. Got caught up in stoies again. Plus no internet at gramps place

2007-01-04 [Emporer Sensi]: Creatures, as powerful as Sensi's? Oh my.....this could actually prove to worth his time.

2007-01-04 [Jewl]: And Jewl's.

2007-01-06 [Emporer Sensi]: I keep forgeting you're here woman. HI!

2007-01-06 [Jewl]: Aww, I feel ignored. Not really, though. Maybe try READING the roleplay. HI BACK! lol. Why don't you post?

2007-01-07 [Emporer Sensi]: Cause, Sensi's not on your Deck. "Try reading the post"

2007-01-07 [Jewl]: *frustrated* <img:44166_1164145272.gif><img:44166_1164145101.gif><img:44166_1164145262.gif> That's not what I meant. I meant post in the artillery deck...

2007-01-07 [Emporer Sensi]: OOOOOOOOO I be working on it, love. Telcara's post is like on of a kind, I've never had to respond to something like that before. I'm still working on it.

2007-01-08 [Lady_Elowyn]: oh hey there's an artillery deck! Wow I totally missed that... o.0

2007-01-22 [Emporer Sensi]: I;m BACK!

2007-01-23 [BlackDragon]: Still working on that posting I hope.

2007-01-28 [Emporer Sensi]: So who's all here still, and ready to post?

2007-01-28 [Lady_Elowyn]: I'm still waiting for some one to post in the artillery deck

2007-01-28 [Jewl]: Eh, I just neeeded to make SOMETHING happen, as our other characters are just lying around... *cough-Deme-cough*

2007-01-28 [Lady_Elowyn]: Man.... makes me wish I played a guy... just so I could make a fool of him. ^.^

2007-01-29 [Jewl]: ^-^ I know... I want to see other people's reactions before I post again... Deme should be affected, I almost wish Sensi were up on the deck!
♥ I love my character... lol

2007-01-29 [Emporer Sensi]: Sounds fine too me. I'm here and bored.

2007-01-29 [Emporer Sensi]: *Whistles innocently, puts his hands in his pockets and turns away walking*

2007-01-30 [Jewl]: Sure Sensi, detroy the friggen' ship... remind me never to insult your mom...

2007-01-30 [Emporer Sensi]: Lol.

2007-01-30 [BlackDragon]: .. I know nothing about ship parts (I know what a mast is..) so I'm not 100% sure of the damages.. just so that you people know.. ><

2007-01-31 [Lady_Elowyn]: Wow... everyone's dying o.0 how many are gonna come back to life? Is Kendra the only one unhurt? If so, she won't be by the end... I think she's the only healer

2007-02-01 [Jewl]: Jewl's not dying! And Neither is Deme... lol Jewl is unconcious, and Deme just got eaten. lol doesn't mean he's dead.

2007-02-01 [Jewl]: Oh, and just commenting... WOW. Sensi, you're one horrible person... lol j/k, but still...

2007-02-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: lol yeah I know but it certainly seems like they're dying

2007-02-01 [Emporer Sensi]: I am horrid huh?

2007-02-01 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Ok well after this little story, I'm going to convert the rules in this wiki to the World of Darkness rule set. It makes life eaiser for me with my other rp. Also sorry for not being on as much. I'm not supposed to use the internet at school for this stuff.

2007-02-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: No, I probably coulda told you that... I wait til I get home to go online.

2007-02-01 [Jewl]: Ummm... Sorry, Kendra.. that's Power Playing... I can't let you post that. Jewl might have been severly allergic to healing magic, you know? Or she might have already been healing herself, and your magic interfered and caused her more harm. Can you please delete it and/or rewrite it?

2007-02-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: Gah. You're right. Ok, so leave it at she put her hand on her shoulder, intending to heal them in that order. I'll fix it immediately.

*hits self* Can't believe I did that... I am terribly sorry.

2007-02-01 [Jewl]: It's fine! Lol I've done it myself a few times. <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2007-02-02 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I like how no one is worried about Demetrius

2007-02-02 [BlackDragon]: What is it with the captain sinking with his ship? Anyone who knows why its so? *gives a cookie to Demetrius*

2007-02-02 [Demetrius Duvalt]: *eats cookie and goes super sayin 3* Thats new...

2007-02-02 [Jewl]: It's tradition that the captain is SO devoted to his ship, and it used to be that they took oaths never to abandon the ship, unless another captai nwas in place. A captain going down with his ship meant that he kept his vow...

2007-02-02 [BlackDragon]: Hmm.. maybe so. =p

2007-02-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Deme, Kendra will realize he's gone... it'll just take a while.

2007-02-03 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Cool. The ship should take you guys to World's End, and also don't worry about the rules, they will stay the same.

2007-02-03 [BlackDragon]: Er.. yeah.. when will the ship arrive..? I mean, it is not Telcara's ship, and she has no idea of where World's End is. =p

2007-02-03 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Any time. Just got to wait for a reaction from the rest of the crew

2007-02-03 [BlackDragon]: alright.. *waits*

2007-02-03 [Demetrius Duvalt]: While I wait I guess I should work on the wild form version of my character

2007-02-03 [BlackDragon]: I haven't read yet what you wrote on World's End I forgot to watch the wiki page. I'll read later. Going to watch the Swedish take-out for the European Song Contest. Usually so bad that its funny.. *pats Demetrius' head*

2007-02-03 [Demetrius Duvalt]: alright later

2007-02-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Right... so Zenith's back on the ship, correct?

2007-02-03 [Demetrius Duvalt]: yep. The life boat is back on the ship which means she is back on the ship

2007-02-03 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Alright, everyone heal up and head to World's End

2007-02-04 [BlackDragon]: *thinks about how much a mile is in km* Since it is a ship.. I suppose we have to take small boats the the island, no? (what I mean is that the ship can't bring the crew directly to the island)

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Correct so everyone will hop onto the life oat that Zenith was on. It can sit up to ten people.

2007-02-04 [BlackDragon]: I feel so clever now. Anyway, would be nice to know how many kilometers (or meters) a mile is. A swedish mile is 10km or 10 000 meters...

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I hare the metric system

2007-02-04 [Lady_Elowyn]: I don't, it makes soo much more sense than America's system. Seriously. The origin of the foot makes enough sense (the average foot size when it was created was twelve inches) but where they came up with twelve inches per foot or three feet per yard or 5280 feet per mile is beyond me. And what about Farenheit? Seriously. 32 and 212 are about the most random numbers ever.

It makes no sense.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I'll stick with my inches and feet

2007-02-04 [Lady_Elowyn]: lol you do that then.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I shall lol

2007-02-04 [BlackDragon]: I'm perfectly happy with my Celsius. +2 degrees outside.
What I'm sort of trying to ask is if you can see the island.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: yes you can see it.

2007-02-04 [BlackDragon]: ..which leads to next question.. How well can you see it?
Yea, I'm aware of that my question are.. eh.. annoying? The world should have one system for measurements, me thinks.. ><

2007-02-04 [Lady_Elowyn]: I agree. I think metric would be best... it makes mort sense... gah.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Ah! I hate all math grr...alright thats it, its time for me to make my own measurement system that will kill inches and metric and whatever else. *starts taking notes useing formulas* Any ways the island is visable to an extent, it depends on the character's eye sight.

2007-02-04 [Lady_Elowyn]: hmm... Good for you, Deme. Your own measurement system. I might even deign to try using it.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I already gave up on it lol

2007-02-04 [Lady_Elowyn]: well then. Not very persistent, are we?

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: When it comes to anything math related then yes.

2007-02-04 [BlackDragon]: Long way to row. To post or not to post? Gah. 4am, next time I'll be able to post is in 8 hours. When most American people are online it seems.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: No everyone will get on the boat and then I'll handel the rowing saying something like the ship lowered the oat into the sea and they headed towards the shores of world's end. Then you guys post in world's end

2007-02-04 [BlackDragon]: *nods* Alright.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Sensi didn't repair the ship, it repaired itself.

2007-02-04 [Demetrius Duvalt]: nope the ship repairs itself

2007-02-05 [Fudos]: Well... *sniff* I didn't even know this wiki existed xD

2007-02-05 [Emporer Sensi]: LOL, I don't know what to do

2007-02-05 [Demetrius Duvalt]: have Sen post in the next wiki

2007-02-05 [Emporer Sensi]: *nod*

2007-02-05 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Fudos go to the inn and i'll send an npc there to transport you to World's End

2007-02-07 [Lady_Elowyn]: Of course, Jewl trusts Telcara but not Kendra... lol

2007-02-07 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Ok everyone post in World's End

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